Communications Activities

Interactive Forum between RDCs and CCDCs and Community Leaders: This activity is aimed at   building trust and increasing understanding between the parties to foster a more cordial relationship and bridge the communication gaps identified in the GMoU evaluations.

Media Engagement and Social Media Training: This is targeted towards building the Capacity of RDCs/CCDCs to be more effective and efficient in their media engagements. Topics like: Understanding media and how it works (Nigeria), building media relations, developing an effective media strategy (media planning), Writing press releases and other media briefs are part of the content of the training as well as courtesy visit to media houses.

Testimonies from some of the beneficiaries: “The training is good because it has removed some misconception we had especially the courtesy visit to DBS and with this, we will engage the media in our various States. It was an eye opener, the facilitators were good, vast and prepared because they talked from practical experiences, but I will appeal to PPCD to organize training on report writing” – Pastor Joe Ebiware, Communication Chairman, KEFFES RDF “The training is excellent because all aspects of the training were interesting and educative. What I like most about the training is how to plan media events and write press releases because we are planning to visit OSRC and Ministry of information in Ondo State and we will put all we have been taught to practice”. -  Ikuejawa Emiko, Ilaje RDC

Radio Presentation and Social Media Training: The training objectives include: to create awareness on the importance of radio broadcasting to community development, disseminate information on GMOU to the community members, build capacity on planning and presentation of radio programmes and how social media can be used to disseminate information. EGCDF is already applying the skills in their on-going radio programme on Delta Broadcasting Station (DBS) Radio in Warri, Delta State.

Support to RDCs/CCDCs'on their Communication Activities: PPCD works with the RDCs and CCDCs on their Communication workplans to ensure efficient, effective and timely delivery. This involves mentoring, handholding and participating in the committees’ meetings.

Leadership and Social Mobilisation Training:  This training targets RDCs and CCDCs’ Community Development Committee, Youth and Women leaders with the objectives of promoting effective engagement of all the stakeholders through social mobilization, enhancing participants’ understanding of leadership and its role in community mobilizing and organizing towards collective action. It also aims to promote the use of dialogue to improve relationship between community members and RDCs/CCDCs. Topics like Understanding leadership skills, Social mobilization a tool for community engagement, Principles of team building and its importance to effective leadership etc. are part of the training content.



Upcoming Events

  • Egbema OPUDIS Validation of Community Development Plans (CDPs)
  • Warri Kingdom Coastal Data Analysis Workshop
  • Warri Kingdom Coastal Validation of Community Development Plans (CDPs)
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38, Johnson Duku Crescent, Opp. Christ Apostolic Church (CAC)
Effurun GRA, Warri, Delta State.

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